Farsighted (Hyperopia)

Farsightedness, also known as hyperopia or shortsightedness, is a common type of visual disability. Farsighted people see objects that are farther away than normal. Their farsightedness causes them to see things in “near-sight” and objects that are at a distance as “reading distance” instead. In this article, we will explain how farsightedness develops and what can be done to overcome it.
Definition of Farsightedness and Hyperopia
Farsightedness is a condition where you are not able to see far away. In this condition, you are said to be “farsighted”. On the other hand, if you are “hyperopic”, you are unable to see things that are near, such as the letters on the computer screen.
Hyperopia is the inability to see far away. This is in contrast to farsightedness, where people have difficulty seeing things at a distance.
Causes of Farsightedness
The exact cause of farsightedness is not known, however, it is thought to be caused by a small difference in the shape of the eyeball.
Usually, people with normal vision have a round eyeball with a diameter of about 6.5 inches.
People with farsightedness, on the other hand, have a slightly elongated eyeball with a diameter of 6 inches or less.
Development of Farsightedness over Time
Farsightedness is a lifelong condition. Children with farsightedness are affected by it, and can be affected badly or slightly. While some children grow out of farsightedness without treatment, some may need glasses to correct their vision.
Many adults who are near-sighted grow out of their farsightedness, too, by increasing the distance they view things.
But some people with normal vision are farsighted at a young age, and they will remain so throughout their life.
People with farsightedness may experience rapid development of their hyperopia, especially if they are around a lot of close-up things like reading or computer screens.
Habitual behavior to overcome farsightedness
People with farsightedness should learn to compensate for their vision disability by reading things as close up as possible, wearing glasses or contact lenses, and choosing not to look at things that are too close up.
When reading, try to focus on the first few words of a paragraph instead of the whole thing.
If you are trying to read something that is too close up, put it down and close your eyes. Try to focus your thoughts on something else instead.
If you are a computer user, try to use the computer at a slightly further distance or close down the “reading mode” of your computer.
Treatment for Farsightedness

There are no medications to cure farsightedness. The only treatment available is to use glasses that correct your vision.
You should wear glasses that have a stronger prescription (the distance between your eye and the lens) as your vision gets worse over time.
You should also try to change your environment to make reading easier. If you are a computer user, try to use the computer at a slightly further distance or close down the “reading mode” of your computer.
Farsightedness is a common visual disability that affects many people. Once farsightedness occurs, there is no known cure for it. However, if it is caught early enough, it can be easily managed with glasses. In order to overcome your farsightedness, you need to compensate by reading things that are too close up and not looking at things that are too close up. You can also use a computer that has a “reading mode” to make things easier for you.