More About Cataracts

Your Age & Your Vision– Changes & Solutions

Cataracts are a clouding of the lens in the eye that can cause vision problems. The lens of the eye is usually clear and allows light to pass through to the retina, where images are formed. With age, the lens can become less transparent, leading to the formation of cataracts. Over time, the clouding of the lens can become thicker, causing vision to become increasingly blurry and making it difficult to see.

Cataracts are a common cause of vision problems in older adults, but they can also develop in people who have had eye injuries, been exposed to certain chemicals, or have certain medical conditions such as diabetes. Cataracts can be removed through a surgical procedure, which involves removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial lens. Cataract surgery is a common and safe procedure, and it can improve vision and quality of life. If you are experiencing symptoms of cataracts, it is important to see an eye doctor for a complete evaluation and to discuss treatment options.

To expand a little more on the topic:

Though cataracts are typically related to aging– especially males and females over age 60, people in their 40’s and 50s are also more susceptible to establishing cataracts. Research study recommends that lifestyle factors like cigarette and alcohol use, diabetes, and extended exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays might all add to lens yellowing with age and cataracts.

Other kinds of cataracts consist of secondary cataracts from surgery for other eye conditions like glaucoma; cataracts that form as a response to eye trauma or injury; cataracts that establish after exposure to particular types of radiation; and in many cases, cataracts are genetic– you’re born with them.

The point is– with cataract symptoms and treatment, just like all things eyecare-related– there’s no replacement for a detailed, routinely set up eye examination to check for vision problems and preserve healthy sight.